Villa Panza | Activating Silence

Abigail Doan | Studio
2 min readJul 19, 2022


Robert Irwin, Varese Window Room | Villa Panza | photo: Abigail Doan studio
interior of Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio
Ettore Spalletti | Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio

Images and reflective passages from my summer visit to Villa Panza, Varese:

“I look out the window, at the sky, day or night, and I allow myself to be absorbed by silence. It’s not always easy. I don’t always manage to achieve this inner silence, this availability. And when I can’t, I’m disappointed … But when it works, it is for me a state of grace, as if for a few moments, a few minutes, I feel I belong to something infinite. I can do it here in my office, but I also sometimes do it while travelling or in the waiting room at the dentist’s or while I stroll the gardens. These moments of silence are restorative; I come back to myself.”

— from the book, Giuseppe and Giovanna Panza Collectors, An Interview by Philippe Ungar, page 35 (SilvanaEditoriale)

interior of Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio
interior of Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio
Christiane Löhr | Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio
interior of Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio
Meg Webster | Villa Panza, Varese | photo: Abigail Doan studio

All photos by Abigail Doan studio | 2022.



Abigail Doan | Studio

projects exploring the intersections of site-specific landscape phenomena, art lab/design methodologies, nature-based solutions, and cloth/textiles as metaphor