Home, Again | Studio Profile

Abigail Doan | Studio
2 min readMay 5, 2022


Home, Again feature for Table Magazine | Spring 2022 | images and text: Abigail Doan studio

It was so rewarding to create the text and photos for this editorial piece, ‘Home Again’ featured in the spring edition of Table Magazine. Writing this article allowed me to revisit memories from my upbringing on a family farm and the day-to-day activities (chores) that later influenced my studio practice and environmental views.

A special thank you to my parents for all of the inspiration and steady support through the years, particularly as cultivators of a farmstead rich with artifacts and historical narratives.

Home, Again feature for Table Magazine | Spring 2022 | images and text: Abigail Doan studio

An excerpt from ‘Home, Again’:

“As a young girl, curiosity and the promise of adventure perpetually lured me beyond the fence lines of our property’s boundaries. Professionally, my parents were farmers, but they were also avid antique collectors, restorers, and aesthetes at heart. Their dedication to preserving agricultural implements, textile tools, utilitarian ceramics, and early American primitives became a full time endeavor. Family conversations around the breakfast table often included an analysis of a new redware, stoneware, or treenware piece — terms that became as familiar to me as my multiplication tables. These precious moments of artifact classification actually seemed quite normal to me, although sleepovers at friends’ houses often revealed that not everyone had a spinning wheel in their bedroom or an oversized bellows as a coffee table in the sitting room. I also had the daily responsibility of indoor and outdoor chores to tend to, and it quickly became evident that only collective hard work with demonstrable results would result in those precious moments of free time during which passions could be indulged.” — A.D.

Home, Again feature| self portrait | image: Abigail Doan studio



Abigail Doan | Studio

projects exploring the intersections of site-specific landscape phenomena, art lab/design methodologies, nature-based solutions, and cloth/textiles as metaphor