Gary Graham: Looking Back to Look Forward | Hancock Shaker Village


detail of Gary Graham’s work in the Brick House of Hancock Shaker Village | photo: Abigail Doan studio

“Time, place, materials, shelter. The essential elements that enable us to take root, find community, and gather ourselves during challenging times. Folded into this equation is the very notion of meaningful work, true purpose, and the myriad ways that we approach craft and the organization of workspace.” — A.D. studio

interior stairwell of the Brick House at Hancock Shaker Village | photo: Abigail Doan studio

Recent photo documentation and text in response to Gary’s Graham’s historic artifacts curation and fashion installation in the Brick House (1830’s) at Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

detail of Gary Graham’s work in the Brick House of Hancock Shaker Village | photo: Abigail Doan studio

The full story is published on PRAIRIE journal.

Gary Graham: Looking Back to Look Forward is on view through 28 November, 2021.

All photos and text: Abigail Doan studio.



Abigail Doan | Studio

projects exploring the intersections of site-specific landscape phenomena, art lab/design methodologies, nature-based solutions, and cloth/textiles as metaphor